Dear Parents and Carers,
As we approach the end of the term, parents and teachers will have an opportunity to meet next week online to discuss student progress. While the main focus of parent-teacher conversations should be learning, it is also important to discuss factors that can affect learning, such as students' social and emotional development. Other topics might include peer relationships, classroom and play behaviour, motivation, self-esteem and work habits, as well as individual strengths and challenges.
With the current restrictions and limited connections for parents with school, it is important to make the time to review and reflect with your child’s teacher(s) to set some future goals for student improvements in all aspects of school life. I am sure you will be looking forward to meeting the teachers and having a productive conversation.
Please remember to make a booking this week with your child’s teacher(s) by visiting the website: and follow the simple instructions. The code you need is 973wk and press “Go”. The booking system will close on Sunday 3 April 2022. If next week is challenging, simply contact your child’s teacher and make an alternative arrangement for another suitable time.
Building Update
The building works on each site has been faced with a range of challenges during this term and as a result has slowed progress, making it difficult to confirm a completion date. We are still hopeful that we will be able to access the new facilities soon, even if we open up some of the areas for the students and staff to use early next term before completion of the entire project.
The Parish Hall is beginning to take shape as the joinery for the OSHC room and the community kitchen are being installed. They have almost completed the tiling of the toilets. The main hall area is looking amazing and will certainly be an asset for us to use when we can start to come together and gather as a school community again.
I hope I can have a more definite completion date soon for both projects as we wait patiently for the adventure play space and the multi-sports space to start taking shape. Keep a watchful eye out over the holiday period, when you drive past.
Catholic Schools Swimming Carnival
On Thursday 24th March 2022, our school competed in the SACPSSA Swimming Carnival at Marion Aquatic Centre.
Congratulations to all our students who participated. I heard our students were all very enthusiastic, competitive; they encouraged one another, were great sports and most importantly, had a lot of fun.
The events included 25m and 50m freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke, as well as 25m freestyle relays. There were some very close races. Overall, we finished 5th in our section, with many students finishing with individual and/or team ribbons.
I would like to acknowledge and thank Jacqui Edgecombe for managing and coaching the team and thanks to the parents who volunteered as officials during the carnival.
P & F Raffle
Thank you to the families who have already donated chocolates and Easter items for our Raffle. Students have received tickets this week for families and friends to purchase for $1. I encourage you to purchase a ticket or two and if you require more, please contact the front office. Return all tickets and payment by Friday, 8th April 2022 via class office boxes in an envelope marked Easter Raffle. The Raffle will be now be drawn on Wednesday 13th April 2022.
COVID Update
Yesterday I sent home 2 letters with updated information about changes to the COVID Management Plan for Catholic Schools and information about two Pupil Free Days for Catholic Schools. I encourage you to read these please, especially if you require supervision for your child/ren on the two Pupil Free Days. To register for supervision, please email Tanya Barrett with your details by Monday 11 April 2022.
Stay safe
Adrian Grbin