Dear Parents and Carers,
The year continues to be tricky as we prepare for the next challenge of opening up our borders. By now you would have read the letter I sent home to families yesterday about the recent Government direction on mandatory vaccinations for school staff. We are working hard to make certain our school is a safe place for all our staff and students as we continue to navigate the last few weeks of this term.
Just a reminder that the last day for students is Thursday 9th December at 3pm. Friday will be a pupil free day for staff to finish the year and plan and prepare for 2022.
School Camps
This week I have been able to spend some time on the Year 4/5 camp at Mylor Adventure campsite, watching them have a wonderful outdoor experience with their peers. It is amazing to see the children interact and engage in a range of team building activities outside the normal classroom. These experiences are an excellent part of our schools outdoor education program, which provides students with a chance to be interdependent, build resilience and have fun.
I am really looking forward to spending next week with the Year 6 class as we venture overseas to Kangaroo Island for 4 days, experiencing the many wonderful nature elements this unique island has to offer. I would like to thank all the teachers, staff and volunteers that help to make these camp experiences possible. It is a big responsibility to take on and I know they all love being involved and giving the students the best possible time.
Children’s University
Congratulations to Jack, Hailey, Lally, Alexia, Ella, Olivia, Lachlan, Oliver, Lenny, Malia and Bethany who graduated from Children’s University on Thursday evening in Bonython Hall at Adelaide University. Over 250 students from many Catholic Schools were presented with their certificates by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, acknowledging all the additional hours of learning that they have achieved over the year. Thank you to Angela Girolamo, our CU coordinator, for organising and managing the program again this year and to all the parents who support this imitative. If you are interested in being part of CU in 2022, please contact Angela for more details.
I would like to acknowledge and congratulate our successful Athletics team. Recently they competed in the Catholic Schools Athletics Carnival at Mile End Stadium in section 6 with the boys winning the overall section. Thank you to Toby Moulton for organising and training the team and thank you to the parent volunteers Bianca and Carly, and our Year 6 students who assisted with marshalling and judging on the day.
Class Placements
This time of the year can be a difficult time for some students as we move quickly towards the end of the year and their thoughts start to focus on next year and their class for 2022. As you would be fully aware our school spends a great deal of time during Term 4 preparing for the following year. The focus is on class structures, student placements and the planning for the start of a new school year. The process of placing students is one where staff continually work hard in creating the new classes with many factors considered to best place all the students. As you can image in a small school this does create some challenges. Composite classes are a common class structure in small schools. Composite classes provide schools with more flexibility and options to ensure even/small class sizes and a balance of student social and academic needs within and across year levels.
All classes, whether a single year level or composite class group, have children with diverse learning needs and abilities and it is not a disadvantage for students. Within any class environment there is a wide and diverse range of abilities where the class teacher is required to differentiate. With the Australian Curriculum, teachers have the ability to assess all students within their class according to their individual ability and plan accordingly. Classes and their teachers are also placed in professional learning teams according to their year levels and teachers can then work as a team to collaboratively plan, prepare and access all students carefully, providing time to access and moderate student work due to the fact they have the same year levels.
When we look at class placements, teachers and leadership consider a wide range of information before we make the final decision around placements. These include the child’s learning needs, wellbeing, gender, behaviour and social networks. It is a very respectful process and all staff work collaboratively to discuss all aspects before the final decisions are made. This creates a very well managed and productive process, allowing all elements to be fully discussed and constantly reviewed.
Class placements for 2022 will be provided to students and families in week 9 of this term and students will be transitioning into their new class during that week to have an opportunity (if possible) to meet their teacher(s), new class mates, visit their new classroom and find out about what to look forward to in 2022. This is a very positive and exciting time and allows the students and teachers to get together before the end of year, knowing what will be their class in 2022.
Wellbeing Week
Next year in the very first week of the term, the whole school will again experience our Wellbeing Week. This first week is dedicated to the building of relationships within the class, getting to know each other and their teacher as they experience a wide range of exciting and fun activities around every child’s social and emotion development.
COVID Safe Protocols
At the moment we are receiving more information from our head office with regards to forward planning for school when Tuesday 23rd November arrives. Below is some information from CESA you need to be aware of:
- Face-to-face learning and care will continue for all students with COVID safe measures. Vulnerable students with health risks should seek medical advice and work with the school
- All School sites will remain open unless directed to close due to a confirmed case or in the event of significant outbreak.
- If a confirmed case(s) is identified, SA Health will work with CESA in managing contact tracing and existing closure and cleaning protocols will apply.
COVID Safe Measures include:
- Masks are recommended for all adult visitors to site.
- Everyone should maintain good hygiene practices, including hand washing and sanitiser use.
- All visitors will be required to COVID-SAfe check-in and when possible physical distancing of 1.5 metres between adults applies
- Unwell students need to stay home
We will continue to update you with information when it becomes available. We hope to continue to maintain a safe learning environment for all our staff and students as we move towards the end of the school year.
Thank you for all your support in regards to these COVID protocols.