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Eviva L'Italiano!


Students in the junior years have enjoyed learning a new Benvenuto - welcome song with actions.  And of course, they love singing the many “old” songs they have learnt in the past.

Listening and singing songs in the Italian language can help students memorise new words, patterns and phrases more easily. It’s also a great way to learn better pronunciation.

Students in Year 5 and Year 6 were given the task to research the benefits of learning another language.  The students were surprised by their findings.


Learning a new language is fun and exciting. It also has wonderful benefits for children at school and in life. According to research, the best time to start is early in life.

Enhances literacy skills

Children develop a better understanding of English when they study a new language. They become more aware of grammar, conjugation and sentence structures. This helps them understand how English works, enhances their comprehension and accelerates their ability to read and write.

Improves memory and brain function

Learning a language strengthens the area of the brain which is responsible for memory, speech and sensory perception. They are also more creative, perceptive and can concentrate for longer.

Helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills

Learning a language enables children to analyse information and solve problems better as they can select relevant information and ignore irrelevant or misleading information.

Fosters respect and understanding of other cultures

Learning a new language nurtures curiosity and openness in children. They become aware of new cultures, and develop a greater understanding and appreciation of other people and customs that are different to their own. As they develop their language fluency, they increase their ability to communicate across cultures and interact positively with people from other countries.

Improves overall performance at school

Studies show that bilingual and multilingual children outperform other children who speak only one language. Academic results indicate this is especially true in reading, vocabulary and maths.

Creates employment and career opportunities

More and more companies are seeking staff who can speak more than one language. Bilingual staff are valued for their ability to communicate in the languages of their business partners and to cross important cultural barriers.

Enhances travel experiences

A person who is able to speak the language of the country they are visiting has more opportunities to enjoy the local culture. They are able to interact more with locals, interpret written information and travel with ease.

Students in Year 3/4 have been engaging in conversations introducing themselves, stating information about themselves.  “Ciao! Mi chiamo ……… e ho otto anni. Oggi sto molto bene perchè sono felice.”

Saluti cordiale, Maestra Maria